How interested is the rest of society in mating with you? Sexual Market Value or SMV is a person’s level of attractiveness to the opposite sex.
You’re probably curious about what factors contribute to or detract from a man’s SMV.
Age — Depending on your age, you may have a natural amount of sexual attraction. 20 – 35 years old, 35 – 45 years old, 45 years old and up.
Looks – Skinny, Athletic, Average, Muscular, Overweight, handsomeness, height, style, etc.
Money – Yearly Income, Networth, etc.
Status – Notoriety, Clout, Social Media Presence, class level in society, Occupation.
Game – Are you self-confident? Have you have a good sense of humor? Would others describe you as charismatic?
We have created a simple tool to calculate your SMV. Click here to calculate your SMV using our calculator.